| 1. | I had on all occasions behaved myself so well as not to get the least slur upon my reputation on any account whatever . 我每次举动总是这么正经,因此我的荣誉并没有丝毫污点。 |
| 2. | I would not on any account trifle with her affectionate solicitude, or allow her to hear it from anyone but myself . 我千万不能辜负她一片好心好意,我要亲自去把这件事说给她听,不受别人转言。 |
| 3. | My brother the duke of clarence is the elder brother, and has certainly the right to marry if he chooses, and i would not interfere with him on any account . 克莱伦司公爵是我的哥哥、只要他愿意,当然有权利结婚,我无论如何不干涉他。 |
| 4. | Don ' t on any account leave the prisoner unguarded 这个囚犯决不能没人看守 |
| 5. | Do not on any account walk home by yourself 无论如何别独自一人步行回家。 |
| 6. | Do not part with the shares on any account 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。 |
| 7. | I could not spare the money on any account “那钱我说什么也不放。 ” |
| 8. | You mustn ' t on any account sign the contract before you read it 你一定要读完合同后再签字。 |
| 9. | Don t do so on any account , mrs talboys 浴槽之花,为我等祈。 |
| 10. | Mrs yelverton barry severely . don t do so on any account , mrs talboys 严峻地塔尔博伊夫人,绝不能饶恕他! |